Breaking News

Friday, December 19, 2008

Responses to the Australian Carbon Polution Reduction Scheme

This week, the Australian Government released its White Paper on an emissions trading scheme (ETS) or, as the government is calling it, a carbon pollution reduction scheme.  APB takes a look at some of the commentary following the Australian Government’s announcement.

Today I announced one of the largest and most important structural reforms to our economy in a generation, the introduction of a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.  Kevin Rudd, 15 December 2008 

The Coalition will make a considered evaluation of the Government’s proposed emissions trading scheme released today.  Joint statement, Malcolm Turnbull, Andrew Robb, 15 December 2008  

Rudd, seized by the potential of the financial crisis to do greater economic harm next year, has taken the path of least possible resistance. In doing so, he has disappointed his supporters who treated climate change like an article of faith.  Dennis Shanahan (The Australian) 16 December 2008

Kevin Rudd has joined the likes of John Howard this week by walking away from treating climate change as serious threat to Australia’s future.  Simon Sheikh – GetUp! National Director

The Rudd Government has chosen to make one of the most important decisions it will ever make on the basis of lobbying by polluters instead on the clear evidence  Christine Milne 16 December 2008

Put precisely, Rudd is a green Howard. He has made climate change into a magic pudding. It is a work of political genius that would make Howard proud. Paul Kelly 17 December 2008

I regard the Australian plan ... as an opening bid, but an opening bid that is clearly not enough. Marthinus van Shalkwyk, South African Environment Minister 17 December 2008