Breaking News

Friday, December 19, 2008

Daily Round Up - Friday 19 December 2008


Following an influx of boatpeople, the Australian Government will open the new $400 million detention facility on Christmas Island.  The Opposition has accused the Government of cutting funding the Australian Customs Service in the May budget. 


The Times of India reports that Pakistani President Zardari, after previously acknowledging the role played by Pakistani nationals in the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai now claims there is no “real evidence” to support such a theory. 


According to the Jakarta Post, The House of Representatives failed to pass the Financial System Safety Net (JPSK) on Thursday which would have given full authority to the Finance Minsiter and the Central Bank Governor to respond to the financial crisis.

Meanwhile, the House has voted in favor of a bill that would extend the retirement age of Supreme Court justices to 70 years. 


For the first time in seven years, the Japanese government is forecasting zero GDP growth.  The government is now projecting zero growth for the year ending 2010 and the Bank of Japan has cut a key interest rate to 0.1%.

New Zealand

NZ Treasury – Unemployment is tipped to rise andas many as 68,000 New Zealanders will lose their job in the next 15 months as a result of the global recession. 

Meanwhile the New Zealand Herald reports that as many as 100 New Zealanders are migrating to Australia a day.